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I would like for you to pray this simple prayer if it is your desire to invite Jesus Christ into your life as Lord and Savior:


Lord Jesus,


I realize I am a sinner and I need forgiveness. I know you came to earth, you died on the cross to pay for my sins, and you rose from the grave. I accept what you did for me. I ask you would forgive all my sins and come into my life. I thank you for making me a child of yours and for promising to always lead and guide me. When I die, I know you will take me to heaven to live with you. I pray this as sincerely as I know how in Jesus’ name-Amen.


Congratulations-you are a child of God. I would encourage you to get a Bible and to read it daily. I suggest that you read the book of John in your Bible. The book of John will introduce you to the life and purpose of Jesus Christ. I would also like to encourage you to find a Bible believing church and become acquainted with fellow Christians. Feel free to explore the Bible lessons in this web site as they will  give a basic understanding of the Bible.


May God bless you richly!

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