Yesterday, we had a small rise in humidity, and I found myself complaining about the weather. Later this morning, I took Cali for a run and we had a small drop in temperature. It was 81 degrees and I thought I would need a jacket. I was so thankful for a break in the heat.
I find it amazing how little things in life can make us cranky or happy. We often look for big and miraculous events to change our perspective from bad to good. I believe our focus upon little things constitutes a change in attitude. Our outlook on life depends upon whether we choose to focus on the small blessings or whether we choose to overlook them and complain about our misfortunes.
Exodus 15:2 states, “The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him…” (NAS).
Next time you feel grumpy and angry over some misfortune or trivial matter, try focusing on a small drop in temperature. Your attitude will change.