Kim was painting a mud room the other day. As she painted, Cali desperately wanted to come inside. The walls were drying with fresh paint and the last thing Kim wanted was a painted dog and hairy walls. Cali was told to stay outside. Since she could not come in, she stayed as close to the door as possible.
As I reflected upon this picture it reminded me of what Jesus says in Revelation 3:20, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with me” (NAS). I wonder how many people allow God to stand just outside their door. Unlike Cali who was not allowed in the house, God desperately wants everyone to invite Him into their life. Many people are afraid of what will happen if they were to respond to God’s knock. Some fear they will become stained with unwanted paint or God will stick all their pleasures on the wall.
Nothing is farther from the truth. God’s peace, pleasure, and confidence are unmatched by anything the world has to offer. Unfortunately, there are many who live their life without inviting Jesus into their heart. Jesus is politely knocking; however, He will not force Himself inside. If you hear God knocking at your heart’s door, do not delay, open the door, and let Him in. You will be pleasantly surprised by His presence-and no-you will not get plastered with sticky paint nor will you have to leave your pleasures stuck to a wall.