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Writer's pictureMervin Tapsfield

May 1-Flea and Tick

This is not one of Cali’s most dignified poses, however, it was time for her flea and tick medication. Cali is rather tolerant in most situations; however, she despises the flea and tick applications. I do not know whether it is the smell of the medicine or just having to stand still that annoys her. Trying to get the ointment down onto her skin is like catching a mosquito with your eyes closed. Kim gave me the med and I gently held Cali by the collar. I calmly sat her down and began applying the drops. She would have nothing to do with it. I finally headlocked her back end and held her still (that kind of sounds like an oxymoron). The directions say to evenly apply the medication down her back and onto her skin. I am not sure how evenly spaced the drops were; however, I am certain that no flea or tic nests are going to appear anywhere close to the end of her tail. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 states, “But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one” (NAS). Sometimes, out of love, God must put us into a headlock to apply His protection. It is not that He is angry with us, but He must get our attention. If you find yourself in a difficult situation or if life is not going your way-you may want to stop and ask God whether he is applying your flea and tick medication.

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