Yesterday, Cali and I decided to add an extra ½ mile to our usual run. For whatever reason, on the way home I started to get a pain in my knee. Of course, I could not stop and walk since that would ruin the run. Not long after returning home, my knee really began to hurt, and I knew I had strained it. I iced my knee several times during the day and spent the rest of the day limping around.
I woke up this morning with a sore knee. Cali was excited and she knew we were about to start our scheduled run. To her disappointment, no run took place. Instead of running, I had my knee propped up on a pillow with an ice bag wrapped around it. We let Cali come inside so she could see my condition and hopefully understand why we were not running. Cali eagerly came in, looked at me on the couch, and without any degree of sympathy turned around and went outside. I thought Cali’s day was totally ruined until I hobbled out and began throwing her toy bone. She instantly forgot about the cancelled run and with exuberance ran after her favorite toy. She was delighted. Dogs have a tremendous gift of living in the moment.
I am sure we have all had those moments of disappointment. Maybe you were promised something, and it never materialized; you may have hoped for a certain gift and the box delivered something else; or maybe your heart was broken over a relationship. Psalm 22:5 states, “To You they cried out and were delivered; in You they trusted and were not disappointed” (NAS). We can always trust in God and never experience disappointment. If we really trust that God has our best interest in mind, then whatever our outcome, we can rejoice knowing that our desires were not for our good. This type of faith comes with knowing God, His love, and His presence. If God sees a tiny sparrow fall to the ground, then His attentive eye will never blink away our concerns, hopes, or dreams. Next time you find yourself on a pillow of despair, know that God has a toy bone for you, and He is about to throw it.