Cali has adjusted to her training very well especially on our runs. She ignores all pedestrians and bikers. Cali stays by my side and we have learned how to manage each other’s stride. For me, I hold on to her with every ounce of strength I have for our first mile and she has learned to slow down for me for the rest of our run. Cali is learning to ignore other dogs except for the little ones who challenge her. We are still working on 1 Peter 3:9 which states, “…not returning evil for evil or insult for insult…” (NAS). That verse will take some time for Cali to incorporate into her dog personality.
There is a blind corner that we navigate carefully. It is difficult to notice anyone approaching from the opposite direction. I am always a bit cautious about running into someone unexpectedly and startling Cali. Today as we were running, sure enough, as we approached the corner a pedestrian came from the other side. Cali hugged the wall and kept on running. I was so proud of her and would have given her a treat if I had one.
As I reflected upon Cali’s behavior, 2 Timothy 4:2 came to mind. It states, “…preach the word; be ready in season and out of season…” (NAS). Cali stayed on the path without wavering due to long periods of training. When the opportunity came for her to stay alert and avoid the pedestrian, she did not hesitate. I wonder how many opportunities I have missed by not preparing myself to share the Gospel. 1 Peter 3:15 states, “…And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it” (NLT).
It is important to prepare ourselves with knowledge of the Bible and to it share when unexpected opportunities arise. Think of a Bible verse today and ask God to help you deliver it to someone around a blind corner.