Kim and I took Cali to see her best friend Kirby. Kirby is my son and daughter-in-law’s dog. Whenever Cali and Kirby get together, they spend an inordinate amount of time chasing each other, wrestling, and trying to catch squirrels. On Father’s Day, we drove to my son and daughter-in-law’s house. Of course, we took Cali with us. Cali was extremely excited and knew our journey would take us to Kirby.
As we traveled south on the freeway, Cali leaned into my ear and whispered, “Are we there yet?” Of course we were not there. We had more than half-way to go. I said she needed to practice patience and to calmly relax in the back.
As we approached the house, Cali began squealing with excitement. She could not get out of the Jeep fast enough to see Kirby. Kirby, knowing that Cali had arrived, dashed to the gate with over-the-top excitement.
When God spoke to Elijah, He did it through the sound of a gentle whisper. God had previously caused Elijah to experience a mighty windstorm, an earthquake, and a fire. Elijah did not find God in any of these displays of power. Not until the gentle whisper did God speak.
We are currently witnessing mighty displays of power. Just turn on the news and you will hear about powerful forces at work. We may feel helpless, fearful, and anxious. Try to turn a deaf ear to these forces of darkness and allow God to whisper in your ear.