Cali always enjoys stopping at this watering hole as we hike a dirt road in Lytle Creek. Cali drinks until she is fully satisfied. The water is free for the taking and seems to never run dry. Unfortunately, the water is muddy and unfit for human consumption. Dog’s have their own special purification system.
Jesus promised to give us “living water”. Jesus asked a woman at a well to give Him a drink. When she acted surprised that He would even talk to her, He stated, “…If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water’” (John 4:10-NAS).
Jesus equated Himself as the “living water”. He also stated that anyone who drinks of His water would never thirst again. Jesus’ water referred to spiritual water that quenches the thirst of our soul. When we give our lives to Jesus, He accepts us as sons and daughters, and He gives us His Holy Spirit. His Spirit satisfies our wants and desires and gives us peace when we place our trust in Him.
I would encourage you not to drink the polluted and muddy waters of this world. Those waters never satisfy. Ask Jesus and He will lead you from a muddy pool and will, instead, give you His pure “living water”.