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Writer's pictureMervin Tapsfield

July 15-Running Back Home

Cali loves to chase her bone. I throw it across the yard, she charges after it, and comes running back with exuberant enthusiasm. She never tires of this game. I find it interesting how she runs straight back to me. She knows the source of her next throw and she does not deviate her course.

Proverbs 3:6-7 states, “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil” (NAS). How many times have you run after a bone? Your bone may have been that new job, your team’s Super Bowl win, that new set of golf clubs, or that dream vacation. What did you do with your bone? Did your bone lead you off course or did it lead you closer to Jesus?

If your bone led you off course, I would suggest you reevaluate you relationship with God. If your bone led to closer to Jesus, then give Him praise. No matter what pleasures we get in life, make sure they always send you running back home.

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