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Writer's pictureMervin Tapsfield


April 26-Discipline

Cali’s training is coming along very well, especially when it comes to other dogs. She is learning to stay on my right side as we pass another K-9. For the most part, Cali will glance back toward a dog we have passed and may pull that way, but with a gentle tug, she stays in line. However, if Cali is challenged in any manner, her alpha instincts kick in and all mayhem develops. I was running Cali this morning, and all was calm until we approached a man with a large dog. I kept telling Cali, “Stay close, stay close.” That is my phrase to keep Cali by my side and on track. Both dogs were obedient until we were beside each other. I am not sure who started it, but total pandemonium broke out between the two dogs. The owner of the one dog furiously jerked his dog away while I desperately tried to keep Cali from tripping me on the trail. Cali lost all control. I was disappointed in Cali and told her so. She hung her head in shame licked my hand and gently laid down at my feet (ok-if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell). Cali kept on running as though her behavior was totally fine. Obviously, Cali needs a lot more training. Hebrews 12:7 states, “It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?” (NAS). The Greek word for discipline is paideia which means to instruct.[i] Cali’s instinct is that of an alpha dog. She wants to be in the lead and to control other dogs. This is her nature. It will take a lot of instruction or paideia to keep her from acting aggressively. We all have an alpha nature to some extent. Some of us have an anger temperament, others are naturally impatient, some may be controlling while others must be in first place. We all have natural flaws. Most of the time these flaws get us into trouble. I have learned over many years of messing things that when I get angry it is usually my spirit telling me that I am about to do something wrong. Do you have an alpha issue that needs disciplining, or do you have a temperament that needs instruction or correction? Ask God to help you with unwanted temperaments. When you pass that other dog in life, look straight ahead and stay beside your Master.

[1] Spiros Zodhiates, The Complete Word Study New Testament-King James Version, (World Bible Publisher, Inc., 1991), 731.;

Spiros Zodhiates, The Complete Word Study Dictionary-New Testament, (Chattanooga, AMG Publishers, 1992), 1088.

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