April 9
Walking with Cali has become quite a challenge since the COVID-19 quarantines. Wearing a face mask while trying to control 65 pounds of raw dog muscle will wear out the fittest of persons. Cali has developed an enormous amount of muscle mass since we rescued her from the shelter about two months ago. The walks and runs have developed her into one powerful canine. Trying to control Cali’s energy while breathing through my face mask reminds me of trying to breath while hiking to the top of Mount Whitney (14,505 feet). The chest and diaphragm expand and contract, but no air gets to the lungs. I must remind myself that the mask is really serving a purpose by keeping microscopic bad stuff from entering my body. Have you had projects, tasks, or dreams that never come to fruition? Do you feel like you are beating your head against a wall trying to make things work? Colossians 1:11 states, “We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy” (NLT). Next time you feel like quitting when the going gets tough, remember-God might be giving you a face mask.