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Writer's pictureMervin Tapsfield

Be A Weed

March 26

Do you ever feel like a weed? That's right, a weed. You don't fit in, you are not wanted, everyone is trying to get rid of you, and you feel just downright ugly? Now all that might have been a little over the top, but you get the point. Well, as I was walking Cali yesterday, I noticed a weed growing up through the sidewalk between two cement slabs and I couldn't help but think how that weak little weed could grow through two powerful cement slabs. With a little bit of water, mixed with a little bit of sunshine and dirt-that weed was thriving. God loves His weeds. If you feel like a weed right now, believe that with a little bit of trust, mixed with a little bit of God and Holy Spirit you can thrive today. Be God's weed today and may you have peace and joy.

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