This is day two of Kirby spending a week and one-half with Cali, Kim, and me. I thought Cali and Kirby would keep each other company and delightfully play the hours away. While they do play with each other, they primarily desire our undivided attention. If we walk by the glass door or go outside, the dogs immediately leave each other and come to us.
Philippians 3:14 states, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (NAS). I believe Jesus would like our desires to reflect those of Cali and Kirby. When Jesus passes by, do we drop everything and follow Him or do the pleasures of the world distract us and we forget that Jesus is near.
I would encourage you to focus your thoughts today, not on things, the what-if’s, or the what-could-have-been’s, but on the presence of the Master.